Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Brief Introduction

I think that there has to be a bridge party between the Democrats and the GOP. I meet a lot of disgruntled Democrats and a lot of disgruntled Republicans, both of whom feel that their party squeezed them out. The party of  William F. Buckley has become the party of James O'Keefe, and the party of FDR has become the party of Larry Summers. Both sides have weeded out the reasonable people and are left with corporate stooges, inflexible ideologues, and idiots. Those who torture evade punishment. Those who speculate and ruin the economy are aided, our military and their families shoulder too much of the burden, but nobody wants to curtail our adventurism. Our jails are overflowing, but white-collar criminals retire with the wealth of Croesus. Our health care and education costs are spiraling out of control, and yet we hoard grain while people starve. Our liberties are being whittled away by a corrupt secrecy industry, where inept redundancy rules the day and yet fiscal hawks only care about discretionary spending. Those who care about actual liberty from both parties have a common bond. We should work together.

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Remember the purpose of the Farewell Party. I reserve the right to delete comments I regard as excessively partisan. We are trying to build a bridge, to create a political path that intelligent and conscientious Republicans and Democrats can endorse. Cheering on one team at the expense of another does not serve that purpose.